In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, health and safety are at the epicenter of study away and any international or domestic travel.  Trinity College and the Office of Study Away takes the safety of members of our community very seriously and we have therefore put several measures in place to support this focus.  Students will receive more detailed health and safety information tailored to their specific program and destination once they are accepted to a program.

Travel Approval

Safety conditions around the world change daily, from natural disasters and political unrest to pandemics and terrorism.  To ensure that we have the most recent and relevant safety information, the Office of Study Away (OSA) receives daily security reports from a variety of sources including Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), International SOS (ISOS)the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)the U.S. State Department, as well as Canadian, British and Australian government sources.   

In partnership with a leading international security form, Trinity College developed a matrix used to determine the safety of a destination.  This matrix is used to evaluate current locations frequented by member of the Trinity community that are safe but have experienced a change, as well as new destinations where our students, faculty and staff would like to travel to. 

In the Trinity program locations, our local program staff and faculty maintain close relationships with the U.S. Embassy as well as local police and security forces which allow us to be current on safety conditions in those regions.

International Medical and Travel Assistance Insurance

All members of the Trinity community (including visiting students on our signature programs) who are traveling internationally are required to have comprehensive international medical and travel assistance insurance. Trinity partners with international SOS to provide these services. The plan covers all medical emergencies and conditions, including pre-existing conditions and mental health services.  In addition, it includes travel assistance which provides evacuations for medical or political reasons. NOTE: Travel assistance is not travel insurance and does not cover lost or damaged luggage, missed flights, etc. 

All students studying on Trinity programs will have this insurance which is included in the program cost.  Any Trinity students going on an Approved External Program will have the program insurance if it provides comparable coverage to the Trinity plan.  If the program insurance is not as comprehensive as the Trinity plan,  travelers will be covered by the Trinity ISOS plan at no additional cost. 

In addition, all students who are American Citizens are required to enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Plan (STEP) through U.S. State Department.  This is a free service with online enrollment and alerts the U.S. Embassy of the travelers presence in the host country so they can better assist in the event of an emergency.  Students of other nationalities are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with their country’s consular services in their host country.

Domestic Study Away Insurance and Assistance

Students (both Trinity and visiting) who are studying away in the United States will have the 24/7 support of Trinity College, the Office of Study Away, and their program staff.  They should maintain and rely on the health insurance they have through their school or family and are encouraged to research any needed medical services at their program destination in advance of the start date.

Pre-Departure and On-Site Orientations  

All students (Trinity and visiting) going on Trinity programs are provided with a program COMPASS (Comprehensive Online Management Portal for Accepted Students) that gives them a wealth of information and resources about preparing for their study away experience and making the most of their program and host destination.  Trinity students studying on an Approved External Program will receive a similar COMPASS, meant to complement their programs pre-departure and program information, which covers all Trinity College policies and resources. All students (Trinity and visiting) are required to read through and familiarize themselves with their COMPASS and then must take an online quiz to ensure that they have understood the key program information, including health and safety information. 

Once students arrive at their program, they will receive an on-site orientation which will give them all the information and resources they need locally to support them throughout their time away.

On-call 24/7 Emergency Support  

The Office of Study Away is open Monday – Friday 8:30-4:30 but we are available to our students and travelers 24/7 via Trinity College Campus Safety line 860-297-2222. Partner institutions and sending schools, as well as students confirmed on Trinity signature programs, are provided with this contact information.

International Emergency Management Team  

Trinity College maintains an International Emergency Management Team that is an extension of the Emergency Management Team in Hartford.  The team is made up of key individuals across campus from a variety of offices to support the multifaceted and complicated safety situations that can arise overseas.  In the event of an emergency, and depending on the type of emergency, some or all team members will come together as needed to put a plan into action.

Emergency Plans  

Each Trinity program has a comprehensive emergency plan.  These plans are reviewed annually and updated accordingly.  These emergency plans are shared with all accepted and confirmed students on Trinity programs prior to departure and are then reviewed again during the on-site orientation and throughout the semester, as needed.

Contingency Plans

The very nature of travel is built on unpredictability and we never know what is going to happen in any given corner of the world during any given semester.  We have experienced strikes, natural disasters, terror attacks, pandemics, medical emergencies and more and provide first class support for our students and families if such turbulent times arise.  Academic continuity is very important and the Office of Study Away works closely with various offices across campus to develop remote solutions as needed to minimize disruption and assist our students with their continued academic success and completion.

Student Conduct

When studying away from campus, Trinity College expects students to uphold and embrace the same standards of conduct that are required on the home campus, with additional attention given to cultural norms and sensitivities for those going abroad.  All Trinity students studying away, as well as visiting students on Trinity programs, must read and sign a Code of Conduct as part of their online study away application approval.  The college takes this Code of Conduct very seriously and will take all measures necessary to ensure that students are respected and safe, including disciplinary action and expulsion from a program.  The expectations that we have for our study away students is outlined in the Code of Conduct section of their online study away application. 


Explore. Learn. Grow.

Office of Study Away 66 Vernon Street
Hartford, CT 06106
8:30am - 4:30pm