
Susan GrangerTyler ’85 considers her time at 全球十大网赌正规平台’s Rome program to have been transformative. “It was the beginning of fantastic experiences of my life, and it emboldened me for the world. 这让我意识到一切皆有可能,格兰杰·泰勒说, who majored in political science with an international relations concentration and went on to a career as a public policy, 企业责任, 以及拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的可持续发展顾问.

50多年来,有机会在 全球十大网赌正规平台罗马校区 on Aventine Hill has led students to immerse themselves in the culture and language of 意大利 and to do so from the comfort of a ‘home away from home.” 文科课程的程序, 包括大量的实地考察, 特色课程在各种学科, 借鉴文化, 历史, 以及罗马的政治背景, 意大利, 和欧洲.

就像所有的全球十大网赌正规平台一样 全球研究 位置, Rome offers the benefits of living and traveling in another country—getting out of one’s comfort zone, 培养跨文化技能, 了解自己和了解他人一样多. 罗马项目是独一无二的, 然而, as Trinity’s oldest 全球研究 program—it recently marked its 53rd anniversary—and because so many of its roughly 5,500名过往参加者, 来自全球十大网赌正规平台和其他美国大学.S. 大学,与项目保持联系 教职员工.

GrangerTyler will always remember the influence of her Trinity mentor, 已故的政治学教授, 名誉, 艾伯特Gastmann. He encouraged her to study in Rome, although she was concerned the cost would be prohibitive. But the Study Away and Financial Aid offices arranged financial aid for her to participate and, 有一次她在罗马, 1984年春天, GrangerTyler说, “就像Dr. Gastmann had an access card to the world and he took his students along, introducing us to power centers of global decision-making in Rome, 日内瓦, 和法国.”

马克·迪·贝内代托2013年的, 罗马令人难忘,很大程度上是因为他和他现在的妻子, 凯瑟琳Longenbach, 这是他们参加项目的第一天. 他回忆起他们在散步, 会说话的, and briefly became separated from the rest of the group during a walking tour of sites including the Trevi Fountain, 万神殿, 和西班牙台阶. 朗根巴赫是汉密尔顿学院的学生, 还有她的父母, 乔安娜·斯科特1982年, 09年和81年的詹姆斯·朗根巴赫, were Trinity alumni who met each other during their own time with the Rome program.

DiBenedetto为首, who majored in English with a creative writing concentration and now works as a video producer for Northeastern University, said a big part of the program was “feeling like you’re a Roman citizen, 因为阿文汀山是一个非常居民区.他说, “It’s also a great location to set off from; you can easily explore other parts of 意大利 和欧洲. My classes were so immersive, and we learned through real life experiences. 这是我认为任何人都能得到的最真实的体验.”

The Rome program’s inception, in 1970, came about through the vision of 迈克尔R. 48年,96年约翰·J. 麦库克现代语言名誉教授. 来到全球十大网赌正规平台时,他是哈特福德公立高中的毕业生, 坎波成为但丁学者和意大利诗歌翻译家, a longtime Trinity faculty member and chair of the Modern Languages Department (now 语言文化研究),也是罗马全球十大网赌正规平台项目的创始主任. 他于2017年去世,享年93岁 哈特福德报 obituary described him as a “quintessential man of action and an italianista beyond compare.”

At a 53rd anniversary celebration March 23-26 at the Rome campus—an event to mark the program’s 50th year was postponed in 2020 due to the pandemic—Director of the 全球十大网赌正规平台罗马校区 Stephen Marth served as master of ceremonies for the Saturday program. 与过去和现在的教职员工进行小组讨论, 项目的校友, and current students were live-streamed so alumni who could not be there in person could still join the festivities by Zoom.

Marth noted that the program continues to add ways to be as immersive as possible. 通过一个新的住宅选择, 意大利生活计划, 学生可以选择与意大利学生住在一起. 和学生在任何 住宅的选择 can practice Italian language skills with native Italian students through a University Partners program. Currently, 16 students from local universities serve as cultural mediators. “Our students have access to these Italian buddies immediately when they arrive. It’s part of their Italian classes, but it happens outside of class,” said Marth. “They head out around the city and talk over a coffee, a walk in the park, or a visit to a museum.”

朱利埃塔·尼蒂多24岁, 将于2023年春季在罗马举行, 说是教职工, as well as fellow students and native Italians she has gotten to know, 是谁让这个节目与众不同. 公共政策和法律专业, Nitido said the internship she has at a local gelateria and the internship seminar she participates in have also enhanced her experience.

Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs Sonia Cardenas spoke during the March 25 event about planning around the future of the Rome program. “We are really fortunate to have such strong foundations on which to build. 当我们想到未来的50年, 我们要确保我们继续保持强大,卡德纳斯说. She noted that three principles are guiding discussions: increased integration of the Hartford faculty and the Rome faculty, as well as the curriculum; a distinctive brand for Trinity’s Rome program; and accessibility—ensuring that any Trinity student who wants to study in Rome will be able to do so.

Cardenas indicated that Trinity also will be using the Rome campus year-round, 包括一月学期和夏季. “Could summer be a time for developing lifelong learning offerings, including for alumni? Could we create unique offerings in food and culture, for example?” Cardenas concluded her remarks by referencing Trinity’s mission of “preparing bold, 独立思考者引领变革的生活.她问, “What better way to be inspired and challenged to learn than to come to a beautiful place like our Rome campus, 并有一个变革的经验?”

Marth said that the anniversary gathering was “an occasion to celebrate 53 years of an incredible program. But it was also an opportunity to bring over colleagues from Hartford, and allow us to interact with people we have gotten to know better over Zoom as of late. I feel like we’ve built the base for many conversations to come in the future.”

视图 50+3周年庆典的小组讨论 圣全球十大网赌正规平台罗马校区.

查看 《虚拟长途行走:身处罗马 discussion from 2021 including Rome program alumni Danny Meyer ’80, P’20, Tony Scavongelli, 83年, 简·斯威夫特87年, 伊丽莎白·罗萨托,90年, 还有91年的肖恩·伍登.